Saturday, April 25, 2015

Two Years Suffered, But Now Restored

A woman with throat problem was suffering for 2 years. But when I prayed for her, her throat was restored and healed to its normal condition.

An Instant Healing - Daisy u. Palabrica

Woman suffers migraine as she came to me. When I prayed for, She was instantly healed.

Healing Was Gained From Abdominal Pain - Daisy U. Palabrica

I prayed for healing for this woman who has abdominal pain. In the Name of Jesus our Lord, she was healed.

Good Health Was Restored Because of Healing - Daisy U. Palabrica

Numb legs, Waist back and muscle pain were the conditions which was suffered by this woman. I prayed for her and she was healed.

Three Ailments Were Ultimately Healed!

This woman was suffering a urinary tract infection, headache and she had also a problem in breathing. We prayed for her three times and she felt a little cold at her feet. She tried to feel all of her ailments then it was gone. To God be the Glory!

An Astonishing Manifestation From The Lord

An adult woman who came to us who has difficulty in breathing experienced the marvelous sign from the Lord through healing. Praise the Lord!

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Thank you Lord God for giving us faith to touch lives.

It happens after giving the crowd the message of the Good News of Salvation from the penalty and the brokenness of man in sin. Blessings of prayer deliverance, healing and miracles in this part of the southern Mindanao just came along, people just started to come. We just praised God for the manifestation of the His glory this supernatural thing happens in this village. There were 3 persons who came with chest pain, after a prayer by our mission team pain gone. Deliverance released to the woman with anxiety attack, left the village thanking and praising the Lord. Also, a woman who just came from a hospital needs complete healing from a ovarian problem, a prayer done to her, told her how she feels, she said she felt warm inside, ...told her Jesus loves you and touched you just received the complete healing. Thanking the Holy Spirit for giving Our Lord Jesus the praises of His people and all done in His Name. To God Be The Glory!

Brother Elmerson

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Prayer, mission reports, and impartations

So thankful to God for the great event affecting the love and grace of God through the good news of salvation to these believing believers in one christian chapel, in this village of southern, Mindanao, Phils;

Six women who have the same complained about pain at the back, uti, some came from the hospital for severe fever, insomnia, anxieties, after praying individually each of them got healed in Jesus' Name. One man paralyzed walked, hypertension gone. Others who were there so blessed and healed, one deaf now can hear, a lady with chest pain gone. Each one said "Thank you Jesus". Three children got healed from severe fever. We imparted all of them, telling that they can do the same to others, because they have been children of the most High God (Acts 1:8), told them... just go and lay hands on the sick and they be healed. All of them knew and have been believers of Jesus, yet this is their first time experience that happened after being mobilized by faith through the power and authority from the Lord. Photos displayed excited and tears of joy from these loved by God, embracing His presence and His power. To God Be The Glory!

Thank you Lord for leading our prayer mission team;
Daisy, Ernesto, Elmark, Lolita and Elmerson

Click Picture link above to see all the photos taken at this event