Sunday, October 16, 2016

Impartation: Freely received, freely gave at Prayer Power Summit'16

I've heard their desires to risk their faith to go and bless people outside.

A lady gave her testimony

    One sister told me that now I realized that I can do myself praying and bless people who are lost and in pain outside and sharing the people how God is good and His love to us through Jesus' name and the working power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Conference held in one local church of Toril, Davao City

       There were 22 church members were registered in attendance and the pastor and wife were imparted after the summit and committed themselves to go and bless lost and broken souls in the villages with Prayer healing and miracle. The actual hands will be heard from them these candidates as they gave testimonies. To God Be the Glory!

Monday, October 3, 2016

An Immediate Faith to God's Healing Power

After I announced that we will be praying for any sickness for free, I went to the back and noticed this woman. She turned on her torchlight and pinched her right leg. After that moment, she came first and wants me to pray for her. I never hesitated to pray for her and told her not think any doubts. After the prayer, I let her to stand and checked if she still had it. She just said that it has no pain at all!
This woman trusted the Lord without waiting any minute that she will be healed. Hallelujah1

"I Can Really Feel It!"

This woman just had an asthma. She just eventually had it this year and she wants it to be gone. So, I told her to lay her hand to her chest and laid my hands to her hand. I asked her what she felt when I was still praying for her, and she answered that there's something in her back that struck her. "I can really feel it!", she claimed.
To God be the glory!

Power and Authority from Jesus to Every Believer

This woman asked me to pray for her chest. She has a difficulty in breathing. What I did is, I called one of the young people from the church who invited us, to pray for her. This young lady attended the last conference just this February. After she prayed, the woman felt better than before. Praise the Lord!

A Mother's Faith

When I announced that we will be praying for any sickness for free, a mother waited already in the corner near me. Her daughter had a colds and fever. I told her to trust the Lord, I laid my hands to the child while the mother is laying her hand to her daughter too. After we prayed, the child looked at me and she perspired. It was a blessing! Hallelujah!